
I'm curious for those that have done it before: have you ever written a book? How did you do it (from an organizational standpoint)? Just files on your computer/phone? Notion? I'm interested in writing a memoir (for my son to eventually have to read) but it feels daunting. Curious how others hav...
I've got a project where I could really do with building out with some content.ย  Would love to be pointed in the right direction for tools & prompts for human-like content - especially if you are someone actively doing this at scale! โค๏ธ
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I assume everyone here is using LLMs in one way or another. However, many people find it challenging to get satisfactory results. How do you come up with prompts that meet your expectations? Do you experiment and adjust your prompts afterwards? Do you search online for good prompts, or do you mai...
Gaining your initial 100 users poses a significant challenge, and without effective promotional strategies for your startup, you risk investing time in building something that remains unfamiliar to others. Let me outline some successful tactics I employed to acquire my first 100 users. 1. Develo...
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Hi all, I have a simple AI-writing app and am consideringa adding a proper editor to it ๐Ÿค” Currently I just use plain div.contenteditable(!), but would obviously like for more rich text features (styling, linking, and all the usual). (I used to use Editor.js, which treats the content as an array...
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Hi all, I'm a semi self-publishing author of books on different topics. I wrote about fitness (in a satirical way), about travel hacking (on how to find cheap airfare) and about (how not to kill your) houseplants.ย  My current project is more of a philosophical work, exploring the concept of aut...
I'm currently looking for a tool to use in my "scientific research" for school tomorrow. Any suggestions? It will contain many code snippets so I thought LibreOffice/MS Word won't be enough. Update: will try to experiment with https://pandoc.org/ but open to suggestions
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My focus as an email copywriter and voiceover artist has recently shifted to nonprofits. Previously Iโ€™ve worked with indie makers and Iโ€™m still working with them. But in order to expand my clientele and to help out on other areas that I previously havenโ€™t considered, Iโ€™m currently collecting org...
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I'm working on a project that I would either need to take a long time populating the site with data, hire a copywriter or get some crowdsourcing. I'm wondering if crowdsourcing is still a relevant these days.
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On Write Invisible you write without seeing what you have written. This helps you to tame your inner editor and your voice to emerge. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on Write Invisible. While we in beta you can test this solution for free. https://writeinvisible.com
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I'm currently looking into https://getterms.io. I also found https://termsandconditionstemplate.com/, but it looks like a mid-sized enterprise.
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Could someone advice some online tool where is possible to work in a spreadsheet to achieve the following goals: - Users should have access via link - Users can add own information but do not delete other information? - Users shouldnโ€™t be able to delete other information or rows - Perfectly if th...
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Because I'm a non-native English speaker, I'm not sure about my writing. Content written in natural English converts better than unnatural content. People engage better with your content when it's written in natural English. Before I publish my content, I have it checked on several grammar chec...
I'm interested in how people get started, and the growth of their companies.
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Is Medium's discoverability and traffic worth the identity loss of becoming "another medium article" when getting started?
I am thinking to build a little blogging platform focused on the entrepreneurs, to give us a tool where dump our thoughts/process while shipping our projects. I think it could be valuable for the entrepreneurs themselves, and for the readers that could find inspirations, learn about different ap...