I'm an experienced UX designer with a deep passion for exploring new ideas and crafting unique solutions.
Added "Generate short link" option to my newsletter preparation app in retool. It helps me to automatically generate short links for linked articles which are considered spam.
Set up flow for saving F1 calendar API calls in the Directus database for my sports-related mini project
Updated my Categorized Raycast Extensions repo 🚀…
FINALLY managed to solve the long-lasting problem with automatic Github Actions site deployment #marekbrze
Listed cafes for the initial launch #ziarnisty
Updated my Categorized Raycast Extensions repo…
Finally came up with data model and site strukturę that makes sense for the project #ziarnisty
Trying to figure out the page structure #ziarnisty
Created a script for syncing the fork repo for categorized raycast extensions repo project…
Prepared the NEXT idzie of my UX Newsletter
Worked on the portfolio section component #marekbrze