Task Management
[11_1_2024, 11_07_58 PM.mp4]
FeedbackGlow - Customer feedback management app
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Hey everyone, after 3 weeks of building I'm ready to start sharing Task Monkey.ย
Why I am starting this:
People fall into 2 camps:
๐Using over-complicated and over-engineered task management apps
๐Using too many apps and can't keep track, are wasting time and generally confused.
The end goal:
I'm just getting started with calculating my hourly rate based on my current 9-to-5 job for following benefits
1. adding it to the cost of my side project
2. delegating tasks that I can locate others to perform at a lower hourly rate
3. assisting me in determining product pricing
I'd love to he...
Hey everyone,
I am Pat and I wanted to write a longer introduction post. Also, I would love to hear your advise and hear your thoughts on some of the challenges I am facing. I have already touched on this in my WIP intro post but could not go into details due to the character limit.ย
I have bee...
I wanted to ask if I were to dump all of the tasks I need to do for a project in WIP was there a way to prioritise them but instead of asking I thought I would search because someone else is bound to ask.... however I can't seem to search questions. Am I doing something wrong?
I recently moved to a dedicated office to work on my startup Shipr, and since the past week, I have been working continuously from 7 am to 7 pm, but by the last hours, I'm super exhausted and I can see my efficiency going down by a lot. Curious to know how much time you spent on developing new fe...
Not sure how many people we have here dealing with this situation but would love to know your approach on that.ย Here are some questions in my mind: How do you keep up the motivation for your side-projects? When do you work on your side-projects? Tools that help you to manage your time? etc.
Do you use Shift, Kiwi for Gmail, or something else like it? Curious what you think.
I'm thinking of signing up for their paid versions. Shift is $100/yr vs Kiwi's $30-$84/yr. Not sure if the cost is truly worth it.
Why I ask:
I have to manage 4+ accounts with totally unrelated workflows, ...
For now, I have several small collaboration projects with analog people. I have a problem with task/infomation management.
We are working purely on chat base. the number of members are 2 or 3, including me.
Most of the projects use Telegram, and one project uses Skype.
I want my member to t...
Hi to all! My name is Tom and I am looking for feedback on my app. DueFocus is a comprehensive time tracking software powered by machine learning that fully analyzes your workflow and how you are focused on work in real-time.
The app helps to control distractions, delve into deep work, and provi...
Routines; how to keep energy and focus, etc.
Would love to know any systems for preparing for the new year.
And any 10X goals that you have :)
My system:
I break my year into quarters and try to do 2-3 goals per quarter. The goals are not set in stone but more guidelines. They can be habit or specific goals that I track weekly. I got this ...
I frequently have a problem keeping track of my to do's.
Losing track of larger goals
And switching my goals
Would love to know any systems for working that you have.
Some of the things I use:โข I have a hard deadline when to stop working
โข Have a bunch of tiny habits (habits that I do daily e...
I spent 30 minutes and couldn't figure out an easy way to directly fire the Apple Mail compose window, either by clicking a menu item or via a Keyboard shortcut.
Has anybody seen a plugin that helps with this?
Could someone advice some online tool where is possible to work in a spreadsheet to achieve the following goals:
- Users should have access via link
- Users can add own information but do not delete other information?
- Users shouldnโt be able to delete other information or rows
- Perfectly if th...
How do you manage your attendees now and are you happy this way?
Super MVP right now but usable. Looking for any bug reports, design suggestions, UX improvements, etc.
Reply here and I'll DM you on Telegram soon. #rikko
It's live in case you didn't get a notification on Telegram. https://rikko.io
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