Stephan Arenswald
Release gif on keyboard improvements #braindump
Create Twitter account @getbraindump #braindump
Get my second support via Buy Me a Coffee 🚀💪 #braindump
Adding mouse movement heat maps to #scrollytics
Take 10mins to reduce number of Twitter accounts I follow
Allow users to log into an account in #scrollytics
Having the first conversation with user of #scrollytics 🤩🚀
Search for a landing page builder that has a free plan, offers templates, and allows for custom code... Without success :(
Improve #scrollytics screenshot loading performance
Take a walk with the dog 🐕 and check out a slug 🐌
Pin a new tweet to my personal account in order to further promote #scrollytics and get more feedback
Allow the user to scroll the analytics result on the new dashboard #scrollytics
Create a first draft for a dashboard for #scrollytics