Ibon Azkoitia

Ibon Azkoitia


Discovered the «internet world» thanks to WordPress and it's community. Now trying to help others and learn my path for next steps.
Joined August 2024
Create a temporary Landing Page for the project while I create courses and the Platform MVP with Laravel #trincheradev
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Edited the class videos for the second chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" English Course #trincheradev
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Edited the class videos for the second chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" Spanish Course #trincherawp
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Done a PROductivity Workshop for a client #promium
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Update the Tests Suit to include the 'UTM Templates' feature #prolinks
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Visit the venue part of my Office Building and ask for a Rent Proposal to organize a PROductivity event for November #promium
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Send a 3 Workshops proposal for a company #promium
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Added the 'UTM Templates' feature so users can create links faster #prolinks
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Got new tickets for travels on September. Updated the Nomadlist profile
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Added the functionality so the Short and Full URLs are auto updated and copied #prolinks
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Recorded the class videos for the second chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" Spanish Course #trincherawp
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Recorded the class videos for the second chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" English Course #trincheradev
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Review and analyze personal page designs. The idea is to have a personal site, for personal branding, for the end of the year.
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In my "LiveOS", added a "Tab Filter" to choose between types of exercises
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Improve the Responsive Design for the LMS Package of #wpfast
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Make the "Continue" button in courses work so it redirects the user to the next uncompleted Lesson of the Course #wpfast
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Edited the class videos for the first chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" Spanish Course + Uploaded to Udemy #trincherawp
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Edited the class videos for the first chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" English Course + Uploaded to Udemy #trincheradev
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Added a column to track the total "moved weight" during each workout. It's sums the rest of the fields for each exercise. Just starting working strengh, this may help me to see progress.
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Refactor the LMS Functionalities to make it a "WordPress Plugin" type and not a "Package" type so I can test and review which is the best option to develop and distribute this types of tools #wpfast
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