Fadli Wilihandarwo
Fadli Wilihandarwo
🩺 Former medical professional turned 💻 code healer | Debugging bodies to debugging software | Where medicine meets tech
For this new client project, I will try using built-in auth generation from Rails. Before, I use Devise gems. Trying as much as possible minimize external gems for this one. #wilihandarwo
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Back to Rails again 😁. Really quick setup for my client #wilihandarwo
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New project kicked off: Building a business website for a client. Down payment secured. #wilihandarwo
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Subscribed again to ChatGPT, trying to eliminate some AI subscription before (Raycast, Cursor and Windsurf). From $50/mo to $20/mo. Another reason: sold to some new ChatGPT new feature (projects and canvas), access on mobile, talk to AI. Gonna maximize it! #digitalminimalism
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I'm trying to keep my online spending down to like $100 per month - still working on tracking everything though, so it'll probably go over that this month 😅 #digitalminimalism
In the process of consolidating my notes into Obsidian, working on transferring everything from Evernote, Apple Notes, and Google Docs into one centralized system. Combining PARA method and Zettelkasten. #digitalminimalism
Just sent a client their invoice—feeling accomplished!
I initially developed #sekolahstartup using Ruby on Rails. It's great framework btw. However, the learning curve proved too steep for me, and I needed significant time to grasp its concepts.
As a result, I decided to return to PHP, a language I've been familiar with for over a decade. While I'm still learning, working with PHP feels more transparent compared to framework "magic" - where you often don't understand what's happening behind the scenes.
A milestone achieved today: I successfully implemented Google Authentication from scratch, without relying on any external libraries! 🎉
Building this functionality manually not only gave me deeper insights into the authentication flow but also brought great satisfaction. It's rewarding to understand and control every aspect of the implementation.