Open Source

Agency owners (and everyone else), I need your advice with self-identity, branding and self-positioning "me" vs "my company". I run a small Cloud Consulting agency #hazelops where we build/troubleshoot Cloud for small-to-mid startups (Terraform, AWS, EKS, Docker, etc). I do at least 50% of work...
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I have updated the Query homepage with the aim of increasing its usage.
I want to collaborate with you to create a product around a simple chat tech I have developed. Here you can find a demo: Open two tabs in your favorite browser, invite a friend, and test it.
Is LeafletJS project dead?Ā  What map libraries do you use? I need something free to use with Open Street Maps for my cafes project. I donā€™t want to use Mapbox. Any recommendations???
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I'm running a open source 3dicon library #3dicons For the past three years, I've been paying around $50-$60 per month for bandwidth and hosting on DigitalOcean. However, I noticed a sudden increase in my billing costs, with last month's bill rising to $125, and this month, it's alread...
Hi everyone, Itā€™s been a whileā€”I hope everyone is doing great and shipping a lot! :D I have a question: Recently, Iā€™ve started creating some projects again and found that development in PHP is surprisingly fast for me. I donā€™t know why, but Iā€™m enjoying it. However, I have a concern regarding d...
Hey all, There is already a product, it is liked by the community and used by a lot of people. And the guy who made it is a really nice guy. But you had this idea as well, long ago. You just never did anything about it, but you think you can do it much better. At least parts of it. And your bu...
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You've heard it before. As a dev how can I get better at marketing? For me marketing is just posting my buildinpublic on X. But I constantly feel like im posting into a void. How should I "up" my game?Ā  Things I've thought of but haven't tried yet: - A twitter feed trying and reviewing open sou...
Hi all, So we've started to advertise "SSO" for our enterprise offering with the plan of just building it if anyones actually inquires šŸ˜ We're using Supabase self-hosted (which doesn't support SSO) but are thinking about switching to Nextauth.js. I looked at the Boxyhq integration but they're ch...
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Hey, if you are using PostHog, could you explain the pros and cons vis-a-vi Mixpanel? And if you recommend another "product intelligence" tool, could you write it down?
Dear internet,Ā  Is there a open source library that works with various domain registrar's public API to register new domains?Ā  Preferably 1. python 2. apache or any OS foundation backed The range of providers is less important than the two factors above
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Hey,Ā  So, I'm the maker of ( - Sorry, only in French šŸ˜„)Ā  Basically, it's a Scrimba-like web app. I tried to pre-launch and sales early deals... ...But that was a fail.Ā  TBH, I don't really care - We all fail and that's part of the game. At least, I learned a lot...
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I want my business to be 51% owned by me and 49% owned by the community, with contributors from the community receiving a share of revenue based on their contributions. The product is a web development platform (SaaS) based on a new open source framework. Does anyone know a platform or setup (...
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what are your favorite (3rd party) tools to keep your (bootstrapped) startups running?
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I added this feature in TimerBit to increase transparency in the open source projects that I work on. To let people know which ticket/feature is currently being developed, for example - What else do you think should be on the public project page...
Hey y'all šŸ‘‹ Iā€™m making a browser extension that helps quickly find and switch tab using fuzzy search. After using it for a week myself, i think it adds enough value that people would pay a few bucks for it. I also want to open source it to show that iā€™m not doing anything shady and to let people ...
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I wanna make something with React Native but don't have any cool ideas. Something simple would be nice, so I could open source it.