I had to make a code challenge, and I opted for the nicely done way.
There are some pixel glitch. I would be surprised if there is no annoying bug.
Can you find a bug with crazy combination ?
I'm not sure if you're aware of shadcn/ui and Aceternity UI.
These two just made my day.
The components are easy to use, beautiful to look at, and completely free.
I'm very new to frontend dev, and still I've been able to create a pretty good portfolio page using provided components very similar ...
I have updated the Query homepage with the aim of increasing its usage.
I want to collaborate with you to create a product around a simple chat tech I have developed.
Here you can find a demo:
Open two tabs in your favorite browser, invite a friend, and test it.
The social links section enables the creation of "links" to be displayed on the landing page. Each link can include an icon, a title, and a URL. The icon and background color are customizable, and the link can also be dragged to change its position.
[2024-10-01 10.28.54 localhost efd00405a8d6.png]
The profile admin area is fully working.
The application uses an API to interact with data stored in a SQLite database. The API, database, and user interface are all implemented using the Query.
[2024-09-30 11.39.05 localhost 2259094cf825.png]
Roast our video API
With @osbre we built StreamPot to make it easy for frontend devs to process videos.
StreamPot let's you run FFmpeg from anywhere and you can do things like capture frames from videos and combine images and audio.
Would love your feedback.
Oh boy, that was a long one. My website is done on Astro and I wanted to use external library for i18n because it had ability to rename paths based on the locale. That was the most important part for me.
Unfortunately the library is poorly documented, so there was a lot of trial and error along...
Button types
Telegram supports a variety of buttons: actions, links, payments, webapps, login, game. Right now the app only supports action buttons.
I'm looking for your experiences about Shopify Apps. I have a lot of experience in e-commerce logistics. I have made API connections with WooCommerce, Shopify and a lot of other platforms and carriers. In the past I did made some WooCommerce plugins, but the biggest downside for me is keepi...
Does WIP’s API support line break? I tried using “\n” but it didn’t work. Mentions also don’t seem work so I don’t know if that is supported or not
My sideproject got acquired!
I started GatsbyTemplates in 2019, when Gatsbyjs was a shiny new tech everyone talked about. It was directory of templates, free, opensource and paid. In 2020 I was able to finally deliver first premium template. And less than in a month I've got a sale!
...but next 6 months was only crickets
So ...
I'm working on a SaaS SDK for next.js and it handles implementing a billing table based on the features and plans in your config.
I don't like my current UI design for the billing table component and looking for inspiration.
What are some of your favourite billing tables and why?
Hi there!
The goverment of the Basque Country (an autonomous territory in northern Spain) spends millions on the media. The Parliament wants to audit this spending, but all they get from the goverment is a 200+ page PDF report once a year made with Microsoft Word. Such as this one.
These memos ...
Hi there,
Who is also familiar with Firebase, Firestore, Cloud functions and/or Google Apps Script?
I run most things in/on Google. It works fine for me, I can code some things and Google wil run it. I code everything in javascript or typescript.
Regards, Peter
Launched Print-a-Planner - a web app to create customizable printable planners and journals
[screenshot of print-a-planner]
Based on feedback from my users, I realized that many are more comfortable using paper and pen journals and organizers to organize their day. That's why I created Print-a-Planner - a web app that helps you create personalized printable day, week, and month planner...
First new feature of 2023
Confession: Tbh, I’m not proud I’ve not deployed new features for more than 1 year (since 21 Nov 2021).
The past 2 years had been a tough journey figuring out marketing for Lifelog, and the slow dawning that it won’t live up to my expectations as my one true SaaS to bring me to ramen profitabil...