
What methodology or product do you recommend for journaling?

One of my personals objectives for this year is to write. Write about my life, my thoughts and feelings. I’ve never done it before. So what do you recommend? is good, or you could design your own blog? :D

I recommend following a specific methodology - in my case, the Bullet Journal system created by Ryder Carroll. This method inspired me to embrace pen-and-paper journaling. Writing by hand offers several benefits: it creates a stronger mental connection with your thoughts and provides a more peaceful, mindful experience compared to digital alternatives.

I would start simple with a text editor and expand when the habit starts to form. Many things fail because they are over-engineered right from the start, so I try to minimize this risk.

I do the same. I am using Pretext on my iPhone and saving it to my OneDrive folder with the current day as the title. Pretext does this automatically if you enable it


If you want a community too, check out Lifelog - built this for myself, and it's a small tight group just writing daily

I use private Telegram channel. Easy and fast to access, great to navigate to previous posts.

I use Obsidian for journaling and blogging. Used to use Notion, but prefer to have it both online and offline.

  • Open Apple Notes
  • Create new note
  • Write for 15 minutes in a stream of consciousness-style, à la "Morning Pages"
  • Delete note

I recommend reading The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, where "Morning Pages" originated, and Tim Ferriss' explanation of his process in Tools of Titans and on his blog.

I've just found a video about this topic that really liked me:…