Sean Kruzel

Sean Kruzel


Father of 2, Builder of alternative data investment strategies, MIT Alum
Joined March 2022
Couldn't sleep so I got to inbox zero! (three month backlog)
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#shipit - Live streamed the development of a new feature…
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Tried to fire a client
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Got my sh** together
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Posted to Twitter about by recent burnout - part of the recovery process to share what I've learned…
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set up my new basement office! (this time with proper ventilation!)
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"I am a human motherfuckin' being over dope-ass instrumentation"
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re-engaged with main-hustle and 3 side-hustles after taking some time off
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It's really spooky when your 2 side hustles and 2 day jobs all have you working with the same python library in the same day. prefect
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#carryingones youtube channel created
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completely and utterly threadlocked
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elasticsearch reindexing
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created read-only dashboards - message me for login info!… #echoic
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created read-only dashboards - message me for login info!…
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#echoic launched a dashboard of the product to get initial feedback…
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code base refactor for better ETL. Additionally put in some sweet NLP code to better process text with HTML tags
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continued my love hate relationship with elasticsearch
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12h coding session
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#gitpaid basic landing page launched
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PLG course week one assignments
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