Logan Honeycutt
imported 9 posts to beacon #theartistframework
researched email addresses for 45~ interviewees #theartistframework
setup cloudways WP app #theartistframework
purchased aeroland theme #theartistframework
completed google fundamentals of marketing certification #growwithlogan
reach out to Bryson/music journalist #growwithlogan
started creating scholarship application typeform #theartistframework
worked more on landing page #theartistframework
worked on landing page rough draft more #theartistframework
started on landing page #theartistframework
tested for design/formatting tool #theartistframework
drafted table of contents and content formatting #theartistframework
organized 3/4 of content by chapter categories #theartistframework
got accepted into cloudways startup “Build” program #artistsatscale
reached out to bigpicture about amplitude/intercom bug #artistsatscale
reached out to userpilot about experience bug #artistsatscale
followed up on cloudways startup program #artistsatscale
sent out 20-30~ personal beta invites from fb friends list #artistsatscale