✨Anony GJ✨
✨Anony GJ✨
Build My Ideas Occasionally in Public. Developing @heyfromapp. Learning marketing to promote
Daily tweet demo to promote
#heyfromapp. Organic inflow is very slow 1-2 users trying the app.
Twitter thread saving service updated with index, extracted metadata from tweets, etc.
daily demo tweets and added one new user
landing page copy updated to have less words
daily cold tweet demo to
#heyfromapp. I am started seeing some responses after I introduced some changes in my tweet copy. Had a couple of followers to the bot account
deployed minor design changes to tweet screenshot - bug fixed: list content rendered as paragraph
Updated new logo to WIP product page
Designated @heyfromapp Twitter account as Automated
New logo to
#heyfromapp, I felt the previous one was rigid and static. Since my app is Twitter-based gone for a bird theme.
Responded to Twitter API restriction. Issue: API: Restricted: Unsolicited @mentions. Waiting game is started to get the access back.
Completed A New Twitter Profile to Image Creation Service
#heyfromapp. To Try @heyfromapp #profileImage
Started twitter profile image generation work as new service to
Daily cold demo tweets to users
Increase the Twitter image profile in the screenshot
Create demo video for #weather service
Increased profile image size in Tweet screenshot
Completed daily cold tweet demo of
#heyfromapp. Here are some of the screenshots created by Twitter Bot.