Open Source

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Hey,ย  So, I'm the maker of ( - Sorry, only in French ๐Ÿ˜ฅ)ย  Basically, it's a Scrimba-like web app. I tried to pre-launch and sales early deals... ...But that was a fail.ย  TBH, I don't really care - We all fail and that's part of the game. At least, I learned a lot...
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I want my business to be 51% owned by me and 49% owned by the community, with contributors from the community receiving a share of revenue based on their contributions. The product is a web development platform (SaaS) based on a new open source framework. Does anyone know a platform or setup (...
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what are your favorite (3rd party) tools to keep your (bootstrapped) startups running?
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I added this feature in TimerBit to increase transparency in the open source projects that I work on. To let people know which ticket/feature is currently being developed, for example - What else do you think should be on the public project page...
Hey y'all ๐Ÿ‘‹ Iโ€™m making a browser extension that helps quickly find and switch tab using fuzzy search. After using it for a week myself, i think it adds enough value that people would pay a few bucks for it. I also want to open source it to show that iโ€™m not doing anything shady and to let people ...
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I wanna make something with React Native but don't have any cool ideas. Something simple would be nice, so I could open source it.