Nik Spyratos
Nik Spyratos
Greek-South African Laravel (TALL) dev, organiser of Laravel Cape Town, solo maker.
Begin building new bespoke "Freelancer OS" for myself on #niksoftware
Delete X - it's either arguments or 0 engagement now
Converted #toyboxforlaravel to be complete installer based instead of a template
Write about tiny tools I love #niksoftware
Redid website style to match colourful avatar #niksoftware
Trying out a friends & family freelance referral bonus fee
Apartment finished selling - can now live off of ramen and not go broke!
Write tweet thread/linkedin post for tomorrow, gives me ideas for posts after that
My meetup talk was accepted!…
Apply for custom license plate for #niksoftware Laravel work - accountant says it's tax deductible as marketing!
Decided to actually stop procrastinating - cleaned up extra features, #toyboxforlaravel is now back to super simple setup starter kit
Automated documentation page generation from markdown for #toyboxforlaravel
Tons of #toyboxforlaravel feature completed in the last 2 weeks
Split #toyboxforlaravel SQLite DBs for queue/cache/main/pulse for increased write performance
Added /about, /ideas, /now, /uses pages to #niksoftware to list on various directory sites
Met up with venue sponsors for Laravel Cape Town
Went to startup event for networking #niksoftware
Second apartment viewing for selling my place 🤞