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I've been freelancing for a while, and have an mern saas dev agency now.
Most of my clients are boring businesses. I want to work more with indie makers on interesting projects. But I'm sure I won't be able to do it on the current prices.
What do you think would be the best price for Indie Maker...
mostly target on freelancer / agency to gather some idea for my next product.
Going freelance full-time in it and moving around as a digital nomad, I would love to find an accountant that is specialized for a few things. Maybe somebody had a great experience and can recommend one?
• Germany-based or compliant
• Expert for freelancers
• Knowledgable about Digital Nomading
The NuxtJS boilerplate with all everything configured for launch your SaaS.
Vercel ready, tailwindcss, etc
You can set kind of saas, you can choose associated concept like users manager (signin, signout, lost password, etc), landing pages, admin dashboard, profile, etc then you can configure your...
What kind of template you need for?
What is THE template/theme you need to launch your next business?
Tell me, I'll create it and include it in #supernuxt
For me it's a launcher like Alfred. Then I install VSCode.
I think it's time for me to open my US bank account.
I work with US clients, sell stuff in USD, buy things in USD. I pay international transaction fees or conversion fees every time money moves. That's really sucks. Time to stop it.
I know a program where Japanese can open my Union Bank accoun...