
Why wouldn't you hire me? Roast my Malt profile:

Hello everyone!

I would love to get your honest and straightforward feedback on my Malt freelancer profile:
- French platform:
- English platform:

Please don't hold back and feel free to point out any areas that need improvement. Whether it's the way I present my skills, the clarity of my experiences, or anything else, I want to hear it all.

Also, suggestions on how I can improve or complement my skills are welcome. Don't worry about hurting my feelings; I genuinely want to know how I can make my profile better.

Thanks in advance for your help!

The site is in French and I don't speak French

Oh! Good point. I added the English translation and here is the link to the platform in English.

Disclaimer: I have never hired a developer

but I would remove the "Digital Marketer" mention from your intro, and jump straight into the profile you want to be hired for (Front end Dev) and give a more detailed overview of the projects you've worked in.

Also, I would think that for this function, it would be good for you to have a "demo" portfolio site, where potential hiring managers can look and interact with side projects or demo you've built. (VS only pictures on the profile page you show here)

Marketing idea for yourself: on socials, you can potentially do little projects where you do something like "If I were to redesign the adidas website, this is what I would do" (and then put a picture of their current website, and one picture of your redesign)

this is repeatable, and would be good to drive content engagement to your skills

FYI, in my case, even with the "uk" domain, it's still in French. I think the translation is not working.

Maybe you can focus on asking, people you already know, for recommendations. You could exchange with them so, in your profile, you could have more than 3 recommendations.