Nada Le Coupanec
Wireframed the homepage using techniques I learned in the Google's UX Design Course I'm taking #budgettosave
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Planned my week and prioritized my tasks using my BestSelf journal. ✍️
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Reached 10000 steps using my walking pad for the first time since I started using it again. #bodevolution
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Signup done #namemybaby
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First Zumba class since COVID days #bodevolution
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Finally got a full night's sleep for the first time in what feels like forever. 😮‍💨
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Added middleware redirection when no auth token is detected #namemybaby
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Finished integrating Figma designs #namemybaby
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Updated my Popcorn Nantes profile #moola
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Planned my week using BestSelf Journal… (I've been using it since 2017, so more than 7 years now)
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Halfway through integrating Figma designs #namemybaby 👩‍💻
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Learning about metabolism #bodevolution
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Finally found a prenatal workout program that gets my muscles sore... 🤌 f***ing finally! #bodevolution…
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Started using Nuxt UI #namemybaby
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Pro profile picture updated on Malt #moola
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Compiled 1058 names with their meanings and origins from 54 ethnicities (thanks to ChatGPT who also provided the sources) #namemybaby 👏 way to go for the first version of the database
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Plan all my prenatal workouts to have a mix of strength, cardio and pelvic workouts #bodevolution
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Done with Vue Mastery's Nuxt API Routes course #namemybaby 🥳 Time to get this party going! 🤔 Honestly, for the first release, I think I will just write on json files instead of creating an sql database right from the beginning.
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Finished Real Word Nuxt on Vue Mastery #namemybaby Only 1 course left to be able to build my first full-stack app using a front-end framework. 👯
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Getting ChatGPT to generate me a balanced & well-sourced database of names from 55 languages categorized into 14 regions. #namemybaby
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