Lena Shakurova
Lena Shakurova
🤖 Freelancing & running chatbot development agency @ ParsLabs | ✨ Making | ✍️ Writing a blog about chatbot development| 🇳🇱 based in Amsterdam
Posted new feature announcement for #chatbotly on LinkedIn:…
Finished implementation of smart contact form for #chatbotly
Develop a prototype of showing contact support form only when user asks to connect to human #chatbotly
Allow users adding new FAQs right from the screen where they analyse conversations their users had with the chatbot #chatbotly
Figured out how to use for email marketing and sent out my first email to people from the waitlist
Recorded video tutorial for #chatbotly and added it to docs
Create a new page to allow each user to create multiple projects #chatbotly
Add pop up message to my blog encouraging people to sign up (