Personal Development

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There never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done. However distractions, procrastination, and overthinking usually put a damper on my day-to-day progress and I'm stuck with one or two things done -vs- the four or five I thought I'd get through. I see tons of people on here pu...
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Hey everyone! Just finished up and launched a project yesterday, now that it's on the back burner for updates and beta testing, I'm looking forward to starting something new. I have a few ideas of sites or apps that I've collected over the last couple months and figured why not ask WIPer's for t...
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I just bought parents another new Android. This time around, I'm wondering if there are any "elders-focused" products that can help them improve their general tech-savviness? They're about 50 and speak good enough English to otherwise navigate their phone, but they seem to "lose common sense" w...
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We build website optimization software and want to make our official twitter interesting to read. Looking for fresh ideas. Thanks in advance!
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I am thinking to build a little blogging platform focused on the entrepreneurs, to give us a tool where dump our thoughts/process while shipping our projects. I think it could be valuable for the entrepreneurs themselves, and for the readers that could find inspirations, learn about different ap...
I often (not always) find that the more resistance there is, the more rewarding the goal. I'm not talking about situations where the "universe" is clearly sending you a sign to stahp and re-evaluate (Not: "omg I couldn't find any customers who want this thing I'm building but I'm pressing ahead ...
Let's learn from one another. 😄