Personal Development
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How do you manage your attendees now and are you happy this way?
There never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done. However distractions, procrastination, and overthinking usually put a damper on my day-to-day progress and I'm stuck with one or two things done -vs- the four or five I thought I'd get through.
I see tons of people on here pu...
Hey everyone! Just finished up and launched a project yesterday, now that it's on the back burner for updates and beta testing, I'm looking forward to starting something new.
I have a few ideas of sites or apps that I've collected over the last couple months and figured why not ask WIPer's for t...
I just bought parents another new Android. This time around, I'm wondering if there are any "elders-focused" products that can help them improve their general tech-savviness?
They're about 50 and speak good enough English to otherwise navigate their phone, but they seem to "lose common sense" w...
We build website optimization software and want to make our official twitter interesting to read. Looking for fresh ideas. Thanks in advance!
I am thinking to build a little blogging platform focused on the entrepreneurs, to give us a tool where dump our thoughts/process while shipping our projects.
I think it could be valuable for the entrepreneurs themselves, and for the readers that could find inspirations, learn about different ap...
I often (not always) find that the more resistance there is, the more rewarding the goal.
I'm not talking about situations where the "universe" is clearly sending you a sign to stahp and re-evaluate (Not: "omg I couldn't find any customers who want this thing I'm building but I'm pressing ahead ...