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💵💴💶💷 Hit $1005 total revenue for March! First time my revenue went past $1k, without any promos or marketing campaigns! The last time it happened it ($1027) was due to Black Friday sales, in Nov 2022 last year. This time, it grew to that organically. 🤑 #indiejourney #lifelog #pluginsforcarrd
pass $300,000 made with AI in last 2.5mo #avatarai #interiorai
#darkmodelist passed $150 total revenue from ads sales 🎉
First 1k revenue in a single day #sparkbase
Celebrating the $100k revenue milestone 🥹
reach $92,000 MRR with AI only #interiorai + #photoai
#pintura passed $ 5,000 in monthly revenue :D
#hardcoreyear add revenue charts and how many apps I shipped to initial medium article…
Milestone: $130 total revenue
got my 1st paying user & made my first ever SaaS $ 🎉
This is around 2 months after launch, (took around 1 month to build MVP) 🚀
Pretty much 0 time & $ spent on marketing so far, this came from talking to a trial user and tailoring the app to their needs.
crossed $1000 revenue 🎉 #readermode
finally reach $100,000 MRR with onyl AI goal #photoai #interiorai
Sold my first micro SaaS sideproject 🙌
Damn 👀 made $25 in credits from my API template! #freelance
spend the money I made from AI on AI #life…
#acnh Surpass $1,000 in revenue