


Write 100 words a day every day. We write for the long game.
Launched December 30, 2020
Day 1359 - Just need it -… #lifelog
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Google Search Console finally stopped spinning and damn, no wonder Lifelog didn't do well - 50% of the pages are not indexed! Why am I only doing this after 4 years! 🤦‍♂️ #lifelog
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Day 1358 - Wrong consistency -… #lifelog
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Day 1357 - Solving other people's problems, part II -… #lifelog
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Day 1356 - Solving other people's problems -… #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Added and deployed fix for dynamic update of usernames list as you type after keying in @ #lifelog
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Day 1355 - Something always happens -… #lifelog
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First time getting rate limited by Anthropic ! I guess I had a productive weekend.. That @mention popup sure took some tokens to solve #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Added @mention dropdown popup to /write page. Fixed styling on Learn More page. Fixed layout issues in notifications and roadmap pages where footer moves up when page is short. Fixed hover bug in slug page. Updated roadmap. #lifelog
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Day 1354 - You're already happy you just don't know it yet -… #lifelog
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Day 1353 - This indie hacking road -… #lifelog
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Day 1352 - Subscription revenue AND one-time revenue -… #lifelog
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Day 1351 - Fulltime vs part-time mode -… #lifelog
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Day 1350 - Days of troubles past -… #lifelog
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Day 1349 - Father mode -… #lifelog
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Day 1348 - Indie hacking, family trip mode -… #lifelog
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Cross published a dev post from Lifelog to - How to use AI for coding the right way -… #decodingcoding #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Set up Google Search Console for domain... after 4 years! Don't ask #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Wrote blog post to announce Part II of new feature: @ mention someone in the post body -… #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Added fix for `/write` page bug - truncate function leaving incomplete html tags. Deployed fix + the @ mention feature in body text of post, for `/compose` page, to Heroku #lifelog
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