Pintura Image Editor
#pintura add LemonSqueezy affiliate link
#pintura first sale on LemonSqueezy
#pintura bail on Paddle and switch from Gumroad to LemonSqueezy
#pintura add video editing plugin as upgrade
#pintura add 100K revenue cap to Hobby license
#pintura prototype for drawing convex / concave polygons
#pintura prototype trim tool for video editing
#pintura build working prototype for client-side video editing
add attachments to tickets #pintura
#pintura sent DMCA take down notice to npm
#pintura rewrite footer styles with css grid
#pintura first prototype of static image cropping mode
#pintura create cross framework code snippets for editor properties page
#pintura add code highlighting
#pintura set up automated test cases for doc code snippet generator
#pintura customer portal survives pen test
#pintura forget to disable email logic while someone runs a pen test
#pintura add hobby license popup to "prevent" businesses from purchasing hobby licenses
#pintura survive first customer portal pen test session