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show source metrics to measure health and possible problems #startupjobs
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Wrote a script to track % of fat & muscle changes per week, because I can't make sense of the metrics shown on any app #life
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Decided to take blood samples to test my own health #life7
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Make better health score #indiemakers
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began tracking five key habits of mine (as learned through) #health #self-accountability
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get back into notion to track health/wellness progress #existence
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📈 increased health score from 7% to 65% #lfk
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get health score 100 #web
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Starting #nikshealth to give my health more importance like my side projects
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create fitness progress graphs #life
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#fat2fit add images to stat page…
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measure body fat (22%) and other metrics for the first time #life123
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Keep forgetting to check my @ouraring health data. So made a @telegram bot to keep track daily. #life
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share stats #pug
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Improved Health Score to 100/100 #melies
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Do health screening and find out I’m even more healthy than 1.5 years ago #life
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started new routine: 5-habits tracker via #health
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eat lentils (healthy food) #laif - feeling inspired by @gijsheerkens approach to health, food, fitness etc.
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get health check up results #life
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#fat2fit improve text on stat page…
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