Marc's Life
Order coffee stuff so I can grind my own coffee beans #life
Revive "eatmore" Telegram bot (just for myself), because when talking to my PT today at 5pm I realized I only ate 4 eggs and an orange the whole day and it's not helping my gAinZz if I keep forgetting to eat #life
Pick up new passport and driver's license #life
Build Raycast Extension to browse BugSnag errors #life
Uninstall food delivery app from local village in favor of Uber because they charge me delivery fee when they have a big banner saying there’s no delivery fees, then I notice they don’t actually show you delivery fee until AFTER you order so it’s more expensive than they make it look like, and when I send them an email with constructive feedback on how to improve the app to stay competitive with Uber which is taking up market share to the email address listed in their app, the email bounces because apparently their listed email address is invalid #life
Do 10-minute meditation session with The Way app #life
Plan new personal trainer sessions for the new year #life
Start using Spark ( ) on macOS and it's surprisingly nice despite not following macOS design standards what I typically prefer #life
Install Hotwire Dev Tools browser extension… #life
Submit some of my Rails apps to #life
Reconfigure Cursor (VS Code) after trying to explain my setup to @AndreyAzimov and realize that my setup was a bit of a mess with many unused plugins #life
#life get gift from @AndreyAzimov
Co-work with @AndreyAzimov #life
Arrive in Portugal after short holiday break in Netherlands #life
Play Red Alert 2 #life