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check body composition #gym
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reach ~12% body fat #life
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reach 16% body fat #life
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get to 14% body fat #life
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signup for bodyfat test #health
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Reach 29.6% of body fat down from 31% #life
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Wrote a script to track % of fat & muscle changes per week, because I can't make sense of the metrics shown on any app #life
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Schedule DEXA scan to measure body fat and muscle percentage #life
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#fat improve stat page…
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Reach 28.4% body fat, down from 31%. #life
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order $5 body composition scale 🤔 #nils
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take DXA scan to measure body composition #life
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do weekly body measurement (+1,41% BW) #life
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reach 67kg, 15% body fat #life
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Take body measurements and weight and verify I'm mostly back on track #gym
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Take body measurements and pictures to establish a starting point for this comeback and realize that in fact I've gained quite some fat, having now an ATH in weight, waist circumference, hips circumference, etc. #gym
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go to gym 120 days in last 365 days, reach 12% body fat #life
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get to 100 body score #life123
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#fat2fit add images to stat page…
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#fat2fit add individual pages for body transformation…
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