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reminded myself it is time to ship
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remind myself to ship
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remind myself i need to ship something
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ship more persistent update reminders #simplepoll
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#relativity send out launch message on ship
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made "final" changes to notification system #tw
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Trying to launch, but keep realizing things I need to add/change before it gets 10x harder after launch. It's procrastination in disguise #pingbot
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Working on notifcations, #milki
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Decided to hold off on #mj message editing and deleting fns until after launch. Because who cares rinnow.
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give myself a deadline to launch #dashful
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🚢 Ship updates before I’m ready and late at the same time #jovial
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working on progress notificaitons #blankpage
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decide to delay starting launch by 1 day #serverlessreact
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ship recast notifications and better notification UI #discove
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decide it’s really really really time to ship
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devise a minimum viable launch because the real one is taking way too long
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make remaining task list for bare minimum functionality for #mj launch and... omg having a panic attack never going to shiiiiiip.
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More notication testing #milki, notifcations on mobile are hard!
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lost a day thinking about launching vs adding more features #lab
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Planned launch day of #shipnix was today, but I postpone to monday. I'm certainly not getting any membership invitations to the Ship Fast ™️ movement just yet 😄
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