React For Data Viz
fix DNS settings #reactfordataviz
find out page is hosted on Gatsby Cloud not vercel wat #reactfordataviz
move to Gatsby Cloud so the fancy features work #reactfordataviz
fix 404s in sales sequence #reactfordataviz
switch to plausible #reactfordataviz
upgrade code, fix demo mode #reactfordataviz
try to upgrade site #reactfordataviz
consult call with a team who bought course #reactfordataviz
send one-off stripe link to guy who wants to chat #reactfordataviz
write article about React technique I keep re-learning every time #reactfordataviz
refund dude who asked #reactfordataviz
freebie signup form higher up on page #reactfordataviz
simpler checkout experience #reactfordataviz
cancel RightMessage subscription #reactfordataviz
help guy who bought an AMA with react and force layouts #reactfordataviz
fix lambda that hooks gumroad into auth0 #reactfordataviz
give dude who found bug access to course #reactfordataviz
try to help dude get into course #reactfordataviz
write article about using React and d3-force together #reactfordataviz
try to build fisheye effect for consult buyer #reactfordataviz