Don't 'touch' (i.e. update timestamp) user and project record when updating a todo, because I think 1) it's causing deadlocks, and 2) those are unnecessary database queries anyway
Save todo and trigger Telegram broadcast background job in one database transaction to hopefully prevent deadlocks
Report any ActiveRecord::Deadlock events to Bugsnag as they seem to be happening more frequently
Stream project logos instead of redirecting to imgproxy
Make simple admin panel so I can manage applicants better (edit/delete/etc) without logging into database directly
Stream avatar data directly to browser instead of using redirect, because the redirect messed up caching sometimes in Safari I think
Get weird "Unable to proxy request" Kamal error 🤷♂️
Make full-screen which works really well with the new navigation
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Fix bug where non-PRO users would get auto-switched to system theme which isn't good because 1) darkmode is supposed to be PRO-only feature, and 2) there's no way to switch back to lightmode in that case because the theme toggle isn't available to non-PRO users
Add "system" option to theme selector ( ) so now you can have
#wip automatically enable dark mode when your OS switches to dark mode
Completely refactor the "two-pane layout" we use for and – they now use the same underlying component and DM's should now work WAY better on mobile
Accidentally mess up sticky bottom nav on mobile in some cases while trying to improve it
#wip – will try and fix soon