Don't try sending email notifications if the recipient has no email address #wip
Fix bug in migration of storing Nomads Username instead of Nomads URL #wip
Refactor the way we validate, normalize and store social media account URLs/usernames, because they are mostly the same and it doesn't make sense to have separate validators/normalizers for each #wip
Try out carousel for todo images, because the previous design could look weird with very tall images or many images #wip
Completely remove old GraphQL endpoint #wip
Implement virtual monthly renewals for yearly plans #wip
Replace gon with current.js #wip
Use… for the first time which seems like a nice alternative to overly complicated concerns #wip
Automatically caption any new images and use for alt attribute (improves accessibility and SEO) #wip
Work around Cloudflare's API limit when purging old project logos and avatars by processing in batches #wip