Jon Balik Undi
Jon Balik Undi
a privacy focus carpool sharing services for Malaysia GE14
Launched April 13, 2018
continue notify remaining users for site merge #jombalikundi
notify users the merge of the sites #jombalikundi
added stat count on register and login page #jombalikundi
future plan for #jombalikundi going to integrate with others
added daily db backup #jombalikundi
added followup action notification for #jombalikundi
#jombalikundi have a good launch to hit 200 users
bug cleaning and ready for the launch #jombalikundi
#jombalikundi beta testing in progress
kickoff #jombalikundi project
confirm need to build a new idea first #jombalikundi for my country
testing and for social media content pulling #jombalikundi