Similar todos
100 upright row / lateral raise combos #gymoffice
100 upright row/lateral raise combos #gymoffice
5x5x80kg bench press
5x5x pull ups
3x6x80kg wide bench press
3x12x60kg seated row
push day overhead press 4x3x60, 2x1x65, 1x70 with a bit of cheating #dailysweat
A ohp 5x5x50kg=
B1 seated dumbbell shoulder press 3x10x20kg+
B2 barbell curl 3x10x35kg=
C1 seated lateral raises 3x10x10kg+
C2 lying ez-bar triceps extension 3x10x35kg+
D1 alternate hammer curl 3x10x18kg+
D2 rope pull down 3x10x45kg+ #life
4x8x80kg bp, 4x8x60kg lat pulldown, 3x12x50kg machine chest press, 3x12x40kg machine shoulder press, 3x10x16kg alternating db curl #life
A1 incline bench press 5x8x60kg+
A2 weighted pull up wide grip 5x6x15kg=
B1 dumbbell press 4x10x32kg+
B2 dumbbell row 4x10x36kg=
C1 cable crossover 3x12x32kg=
C2 lean-back pull down 3x12x59kg= #life
A1 incline bench press 5x8x65kg+
A2 weighted pull up wide grip 5x6x15kg=
B1 dumbbell press 4x10x36kg=
B2 dumbbell row 4x10x36kg+
C1 cable crossover 3x12x36kg=
C2 lean-back pull down 3x12x66kg=
5x5x50kg ohp, 3x10x22kg db shoulder press, 3x10x35kg barbell curl, 3x10x10kg side db raise, 3x10x35kg ez bar triceps ext, 3x10x18kg alt hammer curl, 3x10x50kg rope pulldown #life
4x12x60kg rdl
4x12x60kg bent over barbell row
4x6x50kg ohp
4x8x wide grip pull up
3x10x dips
A ohp 5x8x40kg+
B1 seat dumbbell shoulder press 3x10x18kg=
B2 barbell curl 3x10x30kg+
C1 seated lateral raises 3x10x7kg++
C2 lying ez-bar triceps extension 3x10x30kg++
D1 alternate hammer curl 3x10x14kg++
D2 rope pull down 3x10x36kg++ #life
A ohp 5x5x50kg+
B1 seated dumbbell shoulder press 3x10x22kg+
B2 barbell curl 3x10x35kg=
C1 seated lateral raises 3x10x10kg+
C2 lying ez-bar triceps extension 3x10x40kg=
D1 alternate hammer curl 3x10x18kg=
D2 rope pull down 3x10x50kg+ #life
A1 incline bench press 5x8x50kg+
A2 pull up wide grip 5x8
B1 bench press 4x10x70kg+
B2 barbell row 4x10x50kg+
C1 cable crossover 3x12x23kg+
C2 lean-back pull down 3x12x52kg+
3x8 wide grip pull up
4x12x? shoulder press
3x10x35kg seated ez bar curls
3x10x dips
3x12x? cable pull down
3x10x leg raise horizontal
5x5x80kg bench press
5x5x60kg speed bench press
5x5x80kg wide grip bench press
5x5x50kg ohp
10-8-6-4-2x pull up
3x2x10x16kg hammer curl
3x10x50kg cable pressdown
5x5x80kg bench press
5x5x60kg speed bench press
5x5x80kg wide grip bench press
5x5x50kg ohp
10-8-6-4-2x pull up
3x2x10x16kg hammer curl
3x10x50kg cable pressdown
A1 incline bench press 5x8x50kg++
A2 pull up wide grip 5x6+
B1 dumbbell press 4x10x24kg++
B2 dumbbell row 4x10x28kg++
C1 cable crossover 3x12x23kg+
C2 lean-back pull down 3x12x52kg+ #life