daily sweat
daily sweat
Daily nudges from the gods of sweat, guiding you to forge consistency through small actions that lead to mighty results.
crampy but merry xmas run - 42.2k 4:30 hours, wanted 3:30 but cramped up after 30k and ran out of supplies. will have to try again soonish #dailysweat
full body workout #dailysweat
swim 600 m and sauna #dailysweat doubled
1 hour move in the sun - squats, light jog, mobility (lot of standing hip rotations - great for maintenance, can help knee and back pain. bonus - looks like kung fu) #dailysweat
bench 5x2x100
2x4x90 #dailysweat
light 7k trail run #dailysweat
squats warmup, 3x5x100 - double #dailysweat
push day, bench pr 2x1x110 #dailysweat
quick run 4k, meetings, then another one quick run 4k #dailysweat
#dailysweat seconds - pull quickie: deadlifts 3x10x80, 3x5x100, pullups 5x5
push day overhead press 4x3x60, 2x1x65, 1x70 with a bit of cheating #dailysweat
work break 150 pushups, squats #dailysweat
nice day - 4k run, bench warmup + 4x5x90, swim 40 laps - 1k, quick sauna #dailysweat
quickie 150 squats/pushups #dailysweat
/done 6k light trail run #dailysweat
#dailysweat bench slow 3x5x80, normal 4x4x90
bbell squats warmup + 3x7x90 #dailysweat
gym push, pull, mace #dailysweat