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Load subscriptions with turbo frames and reload frame rather then whole page after fetching #auto
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Load everything with Turbo Frames (to simplify controllers and different parts of the page to be loaded in parallel and cached easier) #traits
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Use Turbo Frames for follow buttons. This means their state is loaded asynchronously which will allow me to cache more parts of the site #wip
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Load "recent media" on user profiles in a turbo frame to see if it improves page speed #wip
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Load buttons via turbo frame, so startup cards can be cached #betalist
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Load streaks sidebar via Turbo Frame #wip
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Cache Turbo frames #epihu
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Preload only last year slides by default, fetch the rest via Turboframe #epihu
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Fix bug where related posts would get loaded inside turbo frame #startupjobs
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#hw performance upgrade homepage (preload hometowns into html file instead of seperate API call
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make the homepage load #alpha
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Load 5 entries per page (on homepage) instead of 25 to speed up page loads #wip
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homepage load content with javascript #lite
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Make homepage of #postcard fast
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Add back "related posts" section with Turbo Frames #startupjobs
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Load "projects" on user pages asynchronously #wip
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make frontpage light-weight on client and then pull jobs via AJAX #remoteok
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turbolinks:load -> turbo:load 🤦 #stenograph
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Fix bug where clicking "Restyle your room for free" on demo page would try to open in wrong turbo frame #roomai h/t @AndreyAzimov
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add in more lazy loading and clean up front page #coinlistr
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