Updating to Rails 8 #epihu
Start exploring "moods" concept #epihu
Schedule greetings email to be sent from rake task #epihu
Pass conditional Postmark alias name based on account language #epihu
Outline mailing publication form #epihu
Catch video upload attempt and return a validation message #epihu
Outline slide permission request notification job #epihu
Handle individual slide permissions request UI #epihu
Encourage posting final slide in the weekly review message #epihu
Keep subscribers list and selection visible when active #epihu
Catch Telegram::Bot::Forbidden exception #epihu
Outline new subscription notification #epihu
Be able to subscribe directly from the authors profile #epihu
Refresh friends/subscribers list via Turbo #epihu
Be able to subscribe and unsubscribe people accounts #epihu
Modify slide's informational hierarchy #epihu
Add Buy Me a Coffee button #epihu
Add canonical meta tags #epihu
Amend Shrine derivations image quality preferences #epihu
Replace page description meta with slide body #epihu