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set up my own FTP server (first time in 20 years) #pieter
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worked out how to push my changes to live within my host's system without overwriting the db #thingdotdo
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#office Testing VestaCP and finally making it the main control panel for my new server.
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parse commands and updatedb #smallwins
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switched over to DO's builtin firewall and tested it #mylife
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tech-admin stuff… i don’t like… but TODAY i got the server update on uberspace done (after months of procrastination) - FINALLY #naii
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dash command #goldenhour
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Those WTF hour... when the DB supplier changed the path to DB Storage and you did not changed in Docker volume after upgrade.... Good i realized on local env first...... :-) #fullstackjob
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implement commands #smallwinshq
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#devops Completely reconfigure my server setup
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Be able to handle unrecognised commands #epihu
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finish CLI cheatsheet section #codewithhugo
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finish last tasks to exit a true server hell last 2 weeks at #crisp following a lot of bugs in upgrades done
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command line course done #learningtocode
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write up audit of WP server #consulting
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Wrote CLI
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Fight with shell scripting intricacies, but finally be able to provision a server and right after perform actions on the server programmatically #shipnix
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improving my not-so-nomad home network/server setup
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feeling excited that I can basically replace myself with automation tools (K8S, Nomad) on server management cause it was becoming very tedious to manage 150+ Debian systems manually for #crisp and #mirage and #prose
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🚜 refactored my dotfiles #dotfiles
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