Do The Thing Web App
fixed js weirdness in dynamic social media shares #thingdotdo
fixed dynamic social media share messages #thingdotdo
started future feature Do List #thingdotdo
still mulling #thingdotdo
mulling over feedback #thingdotdo
made it look better on giant screen sizes #thingdotdo
fixed formatting on credit card page #thingdotdo
live test with the girl who had the screen layout issues to see if they're fixed now (they are!) #thingdotdo
make first field required #thingdotdo
made it work when browser is wide but short #thingdotdo
fixed design when ppl don't enter things #thingdotdo
Create site icon 512x512 #thingdotdo
dynamically code the what I did field into Facebook and Twitter sharing buttons #thingdotdo
change text on feedback box #thingdotdo
Set donation to live #thingdotdo
add a "you don't have JS enabled" warning #thingdotdo
Fix donation page formatting #thingdotdo
launch beta mvp to friends and family #thingdotdo
launched #thingdotdo
worked out how to push my changes to live within my host's system without overwriting the db #thingdotdo