Similar todos
Make cheatsheet
learn more command line shortcuts
add "set -e" to bash cheatsheet #codewithhugo
fix #es6cheatsheet correctness
keyboard shortcuts manual table #lightbox
Review some Javascript docs & cheat sheets. #dev
update Cheatsheet title with Sequelize 5 #codewithhugo
submit "sequelize CLI hack" to freeCodeCamp #codewithhugo
show CTRL for windows and linux and CMD for macOS #taggy
update #es6cheatsheet followup email
write up and package sequelize cheat sheet #codewithhugo
use init command code of the CLI to create a debug command #capgo
improve code loading #es6cheatsheet
add instructions to help and start commands #writt
launch sequelize cheat sheet… #codewithhugo
add command typing effect to commands section #lightbox
publish "sequelize CLI hack" #codewithhugo…
finish datatypes section of sequelize cheatsheet #codewithhugo