


The all-in-one AI customer support platform.
More #crisp V4 fixes, also call with developper for Analytics feature improvements
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adapt #crisp plugin styles to new v4 design
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Fix more tidbits on #crisp V4
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cool down from non-stop hard work on #crisp v4 by doing some sketch design for #prose
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feeling excited that I can basically replace myself with automation tools (K8S, Nomad) on server management cause it was becoming very tedious to manage 150+ Debian systems manually for #crisp and #mirage and #prose
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Do some #crisp support
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iterate on new #crisp app ui/ux #life
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Partially merged Campaigns feature in #crisp V4, sent feedback to developer for remaining tidbits
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work on spotting tiny ui issues in #crisp v4
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Start reviewing and cleaning up Campaigns feature, this is the last feature to migrate for #crisp V4 app
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Do some performance improvements on #crisp V4 state management system
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Fix bugs and improve #crisp V4
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setup backups for #crisp clickhouse cluster
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Release #crisp V4 in beta!!!
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re-import all #crisp analytics data once again to clickhouse, after a change of schema to fix some duplicates
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start import of 2.4 billion rows into clickhouse #crisp
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import new #crisp analytics clickhouse data to production cluster and it's FAST
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Back at work on #crisp, checking and merging last branches for V4
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resume work on deployment the new #crisp analytics backend live, after morning coffee
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finish setting up clickhouse cluster (3x data replicas + 3x "zoo"keeper nodes) for new #crisp analytics
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