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started migration of #killspam cloud functions to v2 cloud functions, need to reduce costs, this should help monitor the functions causing the highest cost
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Make changes to backend code and save 35% on GCP costs #thieve
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migrates #killspam code from Firestore to SQLite, took about 4 hours, should allow migration to digital ocean and reduce costs 90%
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Consolidate cloud environment of customer and save ~45% of budget #freelancing
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Cut down costs of cloud servers not in use/slash old projects #random
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Making a plan to reduce AWS costs, which have ballooned due to my incompetence (and, of course, tweeted about it)… #blocksender
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Refactor cloud functions #askuser
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work on firestore loading #labs
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optimize aws costs
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Cut $130 in monthly AWS costs by removing stuff we don't use anymore #prompthero
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Setup Firebase Cloud Firestore & some proof of concept work #donut
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reduced aws lambda/rds/sqs costs from $30/day to ~$8 #zonewatcher
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refine initial data model to split between firestore and rtdb based on use case considering factors like read/write, update frequency, pub/sub, cost etc. #cappy
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realized tonight I can halve some of my server bills by consolidating a few servers and turning off a Redis server #servers
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remove unused aws resources (reduce cost by 30%) #allprojects
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Decrease server cost from $237/mo to $80/mo by moving from Heroku to Render #wip
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get 80% of domains migrated to cloudflare to minimize renewal costs #life
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improve overall profit margins further from 67% to 81% to 85% to 87% and now 90% by cutting $519,108 in costs per year, last part by switching to cheaper GPUs with about 80% same perforrmance #life
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Costs have been creeping up, so canceled a bunch of subscriptions, reduced server capacities, shut down dead apps, etc
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Finished migrating to my self-managed Mongo cluster from Mongo Atlas. Managed to cut the bill by 75% while also improving redundancy and latency.
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