Similar todos
Migration from Postgres to Firestore completed for #quickactions
migrate from firebase to mongodb
started transferring data from MongoDB to SQLite
started transferring data from MongoDB to SQLite
migrate from firebase to firebase lite #indiemakers
migrate database from Sqlite to MariaDB #printmijnstad
worked on database migration for #djangopackages
migrate #hawkeye to digitalocean
Large db migrations #gistreader
migrated database to make storage scaling easier
migrate from sqlite to postgres, wooooooo
Move #postcard database to Hatchbox+DigitalOcean (austerity week)
Dashboard database migration started #larametrics
migrated commentin from MongoDB to Firebase.
baby steps to implement SQLite on Husky #husky
migrated Database for #blankpage
Plan how to migrate data off elasticsearch to tinybird to save $7k/yr #thieve