recordPayment func added to smart contracts for #dsocial
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stored #dsocial subscription payment transaction
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join modal for #dsocial now done
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fixed #killspam digital ocean bot, reduced VM size from $40/mo to $21/mo, seems to have no effect
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backend bot for #dealsourcr numbers fixed for GitHub Actions
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updated bot to include portfolio too $512k
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updated bot for support full MRR $11k baby #dealsourcr
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finished payment flow for #dsocial paid subs via Video page
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increase #dsocial verified price by 5x due to price drop of $ICP
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added payment methods to #dsocial Patreon like service
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put out thread to cover lessons learnt on #wipto…
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shutting down #wipto, not enough users after a few weeks, must focus on projects with largest potential i.e. #dsocial / @dsocialapp
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simplified bot that updates my twitter profile
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fixed digital ocean sever, now using dedicated cpu for #killspam
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stripe hook on #dealsourcr was not updating internal state for paid users, so being blocked from app. Now fixed and deployed. Over 400 new customers this week
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fixed broken digital ocean server
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migration of #killspam deployed and complete, now lets see if it works
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migrates #killspam code from Firestore to SQLite, took about 4 hours, should allow migration to digital ocean and reduce costs 90%
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re-launched #killspam on product hunt with 20% discount code:…
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updated #killspam pricing model
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