Similar todos
Switched from using BitBucket to using GitHub to host my code. #rhymecraft
rebuilt my linked-tree clone into a jekyll theme and updated a few websites that use it. I need to break it out into a new repo but this works for now.
Throw in the towel with my Bitbucket + Vercel connection after more hours of troubleshooting (I haven't encountered this issue previously around BB workspaces and there seems to be no way around it without paying) so throw up the repo on GH instead thus breaking my simplifying tools rule but all setup and working within three minutes #creativity
Kept updating the codebase of my personal website #web
Spent 30 minutes looking at Rhymecraft (code, website) for the first time in 6 months
🚜 reworked my writing setup and pulled in the various scripts that I have had scattered over several repos
updated some client projects to use a modify GitHub Actions setup I'm happy with #mylife
worked on moving the GitHub App to manage #djangopackages auth
begin work on wiring up the web; make public repo; switched from do back to github; added cloudflare; waiting to it to prop #dailyvibes
got my personal website (, just an index.html) working on a new $4/mo DO droplet that I intend to move everything over to while switching backends from Python to Go, nginx is way easier than Apache so far. Switched my personal site to use GitHub version control.
🚜 I fixed/updated DNS on a few domains since GitHub has changed how they setup them up now. It's quite a bit better, IMO but took effort to fix and migrate a few websites. #mylife
🔨 rebuilt some of my github projects using allrepos
⚙️ connected GitHub auth and did some additional template and plumbing updates
Managed to fix Heroku Git, thanks to ChatGPT! Deployed the 2 features made over last weekend - time hop, and download archive #lifelog
🚜 moving #conf website from gitlab to github. still have to figure out a docker registry
Dusted off the repository on Github #tijdwerk
push all my code on new git server
Update ssh keys on github #unnam
updated a PR to add BitBucket tests back and other clean up #djangopackages
push #nomads server to Github repo instead of laptop version now (thx @daniellockyer)