Similar todos
Switched my DigitalOcean public SSH key to the new(er) Bitbucket account where I'm now hosting the Rhymecraft code (so git pull works again) and updated the live site to the most-recent code. #rhymecraft
use github as host #swakemudi
switch to bitbucket #wokflow
reviewed principles of work with GitHub and setup a repository for my test project #learnwebdev
#blogging Push blog to GitHub, so I can safely refactor in a different branch
Throw in the towel with my Bitbucket + Vercel connection after more hours of troubleshooting (I haven't encountered this issue previously around BB workspaces and there seems to be no way around it without paying) so throw up the repo on GH instead thus breaking my simplifying tools rule but all setup and working within three minutes #creativity
Setup Github #sheetinvoices
🐳 switched my ci/deploy process completely over to GitHub Actions and GitHub Package Registry #conf
Push all code to GitHub #pagesextension
Share my learning progress on GitHub (coding)
added code to github. #shippingmuscle
Dusted off the repository on Github #tijdwerk