Tech Conferences
updated #conf website but ran into weird issues
⚙️ refactored #conf settings and templates
used rclone to back up 5G's of scraped website files #conf
🚜 moved media hosting to DO #conf
added an homeferences importer #conf
🔨 Fixed a django-click error which was stalling out my automated deployments #conf
🔨 Fixed stayinghomeclub scraper which changed due to growth #conf
🚀 deployed new schedule system #conf
🔨 Fixed some broken task schedules #conf
📝 added a new conference scraper to pull canceled events from COVID-19 #conf
✅ refactored celery tasks over the weekend to scale a bit easier #conf
🚜 refactoring urls and views still #conf
🔨 Updates urls and create event page #conf
reworked forms #conf
added a dozen new conferences to data set #conf
⬆️ Updates dependabot deps #conf
🐘 fixed some deploy issues, deployed a bunch of new db changes, updated to make mypy happy #conf
updated project to use mypy and switched environment library over to environs which is pretty neat #conf
fixed a few tests #conf