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updated some code in my old project. Couldn't get it running locally so I just deployed the code change blindly to prod. Seems to work 😊️️️️️️
fixed my defaults, copier-github-actions, and my demo for keeping repos in sync
updated my git commit signing to use 1password because I can't remember how to get GPG signing to work otherwise and it's too many docs to read to fix it.…
🐳 updated several projects to reference the new updated github packager registry url since GH moved it 🙄
Fixing all the Node.JS PM2 deploy mechanix and BItBucket Repositories so that I can easily work on all the projects again #finally
#blogging Push blog to GitHub, so I can safely refactor in a different branch
🐳 switched my ci/deploy process completely over to GitHub Actions and GitHub Package Registry #conf
🚜 migrated three OSS GitHub Pages websites from master branches to main branches and switched everything over #mylife
Copied over the frontend changes needed to get the auth working from my #govuetifytemplate to my #whatdo repo
moved personal web off DO back to Github AND and and back on running jekyll #getaclue
🔨 refactored my github actions setup to add proper versioning and push it back to github after docker containers and built and working for my projects #server
Got the repo moved to my other Atlassian account (that I use for Confluence). #rhymecraft
Investigated why I was being told my Bitbucket password was wrong when I tried to push my code. Never figured out why, but I got around the error by refreshing my OAuth token in SourceTree. #rhymecraft
daily github commit and heroku push
pushed a new github repo to house some writing projects #mylife
pushed code to github.( #shippingmuscle
worked out some rough spots in my to-be-named github app/bot