Startup Jobs
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Completely switch from Sidekiq to Good Job 🤞 #startupjobs
Do big refactor where I change how I push updates to Algolia index, from doing separate background jobs anytime a record changes, to marking the record as needing to be re-indexed and running a regular cron job to process records in batches #startupjobs
Post job by NATO #startupjobs…
Fix bug where a renewed job listing wouldn't immediately set to active because we skipped callbacks #startupjobs
Use Cloudflare Transform Rules to enforce certain preterdemined logo sizes, so hackers can't bypass cache by changing logo size by 1 pixel #startupjobs
Disable Cloudflare caching of 404'd assets #startupjobs
Add ad for @dannypostma's Headshot Pro #startupjobs
Pass 1,000,000 monthly pageviews #startupjobs
Use inline Cloudflare Turnstile when applying to job (most users won't even see it, but if they do it's easy to pass by just clicking the checkbox) #startupjobs
Update a couple dozen dependencies #startupjobs
Change from daily to weekly interval for dependabot updates #startupjobs
Get a write up about This Job Does Not Exist (except I don't think they linked in anywhere lol) #startupjobs
Launch as a fun side-project for #startupjobs
Launch 'Interview Questions'… #startupjobs
Add feedback system to surface the best and worst questions/answers #startupjobs
Remove Rubocop linter from CI workflow, because it's not strictly necessary for deployment and it disrupts my flow #startupjobs
Request OpenAI to increase account limit, because I just reached it and it's only February 2nd #startupjobs 😂
Experiment with fine-tuning GPT-3 for some programmatic SEO ideas #startupjobs
Simplify some of the homepage design elements such as the startup cards #startupjobs
Replace Help Scout with custom email widget, because I'd rather respond from my email client than having to check Help Scout #startupjobs