Similar todos
fix job list bugs #remotelist
fixed jobpost bug #teacherjobs
Fix bug where incorrect relative job posting time is displayed #promptlyhired
Fix a bug when preview wasn't redering conrrectly when editing a job board #jobboardsearch
Fix a bug where logo wasn't rendering for job boards on the waiting list #jobboardsearch
fix job types bug #jobs
fixed bugs on job page #sportstechjobs
Fixed bug where visible=False jobs were still showing when no filters were selected #jobsinenglish
fix javascript bug where clicking job post div wouldn't open job listing #startupjobs
fix bug where scraper wouldn't skip if no job was found #plumberjobs
Fix bug in jobs bot #jobboardsearch
Fix bug with job fetcher bot where job boards running jobboardly weren't getting the company info #jobboardsearch
fixed the job scraper logic to not override the status field after it's already been overriden
#inweed fix bug where testing category doesn’t show on job detail