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added on top products by sales: in which days of the week is the product selling (line chart);
Analyze #buildinpublic growth over last 36 months
added charts to top trends pages #sponsorgap
Add calendar view to product stats so you can quickly see how often you ship for a product, work out, have a social drink, or whatever else you want to track #wip
#go over user/marketing data collected earlier this week #crowdcontrol
Compute last month growth metrics #jomo
update monthly revenue chart
See sales graph go up for the second time 🥲 #composeexamples
spent 2h analyzing sales analytics (conversion rate and source channel), good "end of month" routine #backlio
Tweet monthly stats #highscoredomains
Updating monthly competitors benchmark #melies
Cross 7 months and $10,777 in revenue #jobboardsearch
Added dashboard page to show product stats #backlogs
Display last 10 days' data on graph. #dwh
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