finally get script working to fully automate newsletter scanning for sponsorships and enrich data with AI #sponsorgap
added sponsors to db #sponsorgap
finished new sponsorpage with ad activity, insights, analytics and people tab #sponsorgap
finished work of sponsor page - now runnning script to add all markeitng contacts to the brands #sponsorgap
added new sponsors to #sponsorgap
automated one of the most annoying tasks for #sponsorgap - built a script that adds valid contacts to each brand i am tracking with the help of apollo api
built script instead of using scenario to enrich brands data - took me only 5 minutes with the help of chapt #sponsorgap
added analytics part to #sponsorgap sponsorpage - data not 100% accurated yet but looks quite nice #sponsorgap
added new calculation of trending sponsors based on total mentions and unique count #sponsorgap
added new sponsors to #sponsorgap
added new sponsors to #sponsorgap
adding new data to sponsor view and adding more insights for creators about the sponsor #sponsorgap
updated all make scenarios #sponsorgap
built little automatino to enrich #sponsorgap brand data and wrote tweet about it…
wrote post about sponsors stats… #sponsorgap
deployed newsletter sponsors statistics 2024 #sponsorgap
marketing for #sponsorgap - commented under how to find newsletter sponsors video on youtube pitching sponsorgap
added new sponsors to #sponsorgap
added new sponsors to #sponsorgap
fixed make scenario #sponsorgap