Compose Examples
Compose Examples
150+ professionally crafted components and screens, you can copy and paste into your Compose projects.
add a cost calculator #composeexamples
first annual license sold #composeexamples
Create annual subscription plans, as to scale the business one-time payments doesn't cut it #composeexamples
Define new business model for #composeexamples
reach out to leads for new team offer #composeexamples
Ship black Friday offer #composeexamples
create invoice for customer from scratch, as i hadn't enabled stripe invoices via the api #composeexamples
cancel free subscriptions from a year ago when I did promotions to conferences and meetups and the offer is now over #composeexamples
Introduce PPP discounts #composeexamples
see people recommending #composeexamples
See temp email blocking working #composeexamples
Implement cheap A/B testing to test pricing #composeexamples
Keep track of referrer and first page visit so we can measure marketing efforts #composeexamples
See product agency invite whole team to #composeexamples
Replace stripe payment link with session API for easier customization / better CX #composeexamples
delete all users that signed up with disposable emails #composeexamples
Block disposable emails from signin up #composeexamples
Notify customer that their team access is ready #composeexamples
Introduce team dashboard so that people can invite their team members on the Team License #composeexamples