Work on #buildstreak Finish migration to Next.JS 13. Don't know if I'm way overengineering this sideproject and should reduce scope and juist build my own product instead but I've already invested a lot of time (while learning a lot). Struggling between making it technically good and just getting something out of the door as a one guy noob dev.
Work on #buildstreak move everything to Typescript to prevent myself from making dumb misstakes
Rewrite many components to use react-query, strip out lot's of duplicated and spaghetti code, extract repeated components into re-usable view components with a small logic layer on top #buildstreak
Work on wipchad, learn react-query to untangle fetching and mutating logic in todo component #buildstreak
Call with collague to help with code quality #buildstreak
Work on wipchad. Switch to Typescript because having to look up DB schema and passed props definition over and over is driving me nuts #buildstreak